Our Vocation Director

Sr. M. Karolyn Headshot 2020


"Be Not Afraid!"



My name is Sr. M. Karolyn and I am excited to introduce
myself to you as our Vocation Director!

An Introduction from

Sister M. Karolyn - 

Originally from Rhode Island, I graduated with a degree in Theology from Franciscan University and worked as a youth minister and director of religious education in Tennessee​ for two years.   

It seemed that the Lord was always asking me for “more.”  Thinking, however, that I could satisfy him by working in his vineyard, I ran away from my vocation, but I could not hide. 

During that time working in the parish, I grew in prayer and fell more in love with him.  I slowly began to discover that he was inviting me not to do more for him, but to be more for him.  It became evident that he desired for me to express my feminine genius as his spouse in consecrated religious life and to live the capacity he gave me for spiritual motherhood. 

I was attracted to the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George, whom I met during my years at Franciscan University, because I love the incarnational spirituality of St. Francis who encountered Christ in the crib, on the cross, and in the Eucharist.  My prayer was continually focused on the cross and the pierced side of Christ which is the very spirituality and charism of our congregation: “to look upon him whom we have pierced” (John 19:37). 

In 2005 I entered our community after finally deciding to give Jesus the “more” he had been asking for: the gift of myself.  I was particularly inspired by the life and admonition of my hero, Pope St. John Paul II, for whom I take my religious name, to BE NOT AFRAID.  Since first profes​sion​ of vows, I spent time working in a parish, teaching and doing campus ministry and retreats in high schools in New Jersey and Kansas. 

On August 14, 2015, I promised to give Jesus “more” forever when I made my final vows.  Following the Lord in this way of life has been a great adventure, and in my giving him more, he has given me more than my heart could have ever imagined.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone (618.463.2757), email ([email protected]), or mail (see address at the foot of the page).  I look forward to hearing from you.

God bless you!

In the joy of Jesus,

Sister M. Karolyn, FSGM