Come if you love, veni si amas, Sacred Heart



Franciscan Sisters

The Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George are a Catholic congregation of consecrated women religious who have been inspired to follow Christ unconditionally through the Cross, Crib, and Holy Eucharist. In the footsteps of St. Francis, we live a simple, poor, and joyful life where we witness to the beauty and totality of being given over to the One who has first loved us.



Devoted to the Sacred Heart

Conscious of the Father's love for each one of us, we are drawn deeper into the depths of His Heart.
Living from a place of belovedness and firm hope, we rejoice at our vocation to the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George.

100 Years of Christ's Merciful Love in America | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George


Animated by the love of Christ,smariachristi feastday
our foundress Mother M. Anselma
followed in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. 

Before the Lord,
she recognized her poverty and rejoiced at His humility in becoming man for each of us.
Captivated by His Face,
she sought the Poor One, the Crucified One, the Pierced Bridegroom.
Following Christ with a firm resolve,
to be a holocaust before God,

she lived a surrendered and joyful life. 

Gazing upon the Pierced Heart of her Savior,
her own heart was transformed to be fully united to His.
We, her daughters, continue to seek and follow her example of being simple, humble, and joyful Sisters.
Sr. M. Bernadette | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George | Avery Holt Photography
Sr. Mary Francis and Sr. M. Martha | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George | FSGM Sisters | Franciscan Sisters
SMPetra and SMMagdalena
4th of July with the Alton Franciscans
Faustina and Rachel | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George
Junior Sisters | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George
Sr. M. Theresita | FSGM | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George
Rosary | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George




"Do not lose courage even if your worries seem difficult. 

Flee in such moments to the Sacred Heart,

There you will always be consoled."  - Mother M. Anselma, foundress




Women's Discernment Retreat

How has your heart been made to love?




"Offer yourself as a holocaust to God.

You came to fulfill the will of god."


-Mother M. Anselma Bopp, Foundress



Feastday Sisters 2024 with Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki | Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George

Congratulations, Sisters!

On August 3rd, Sister M. Veritas, Sister M. Philomena, and Sister Mary Joseph consecrated themselves forever as they made their Solemn Profession of Vows. Adding to the joy was the occasion of Sister M. Magdalena and Sister Mary Kolbe professing First Vows, and the reception into the Novitiate of Sister Mary Emmanuel, Sister Mary Grace, and Sister Mary Solanus.

We are grateful for our Feastday sisters and their witness to receiving the gift of God's goodness and fidelity. 

Please join us in praying for all of our Sisters!

More photos and videos can be found here.